In just a couple of days, I turn 37. Labor Day marks the day in which my mom and dad brought me into the world. There are times when I feel that I am just getting started, and there are other times when I feel that I lived and seen so much. When I was younger, I was afraid of getting old. Afraid of getting gray hair. Afraid of wrinkles. And while I don’t have any wrinkles or gray hair (well, just a strand or two), growing older gracefully has become appealing to me. I am no longer afraid, but rather grateful for being the gift of seeing another day each morning when I open my eyes.
I am much closer to 40 now than I am to 30. That does bother me a bit, I guess, because I never felt like a grown up. I keep wondering when that “grown up gene” will click on, but alas, I still sometimes feel like I am riding a bike with training wheels. I continue to make mistakes, but I also make sure to learn from them and not continue to repeat them.
Wisdom is brewing in this ole head of mine.
I am feeling some kind of way because I feel it’s time for me to kick it into high gear. I have a legacy that I need to build for my children, so that they have something that benefits from me working hard and being on this earth. I am not quite sure what that legacy is yet, but I love it that my son and daughter not only love that I do what I do, but they respect it too.
Yours truly is a testament of “anything is possible”.
I will be 37, but I am just getting started. There is so much left for me to do. So much life that still has yet to be lived.
I am grateful for my 36 years on this earth—and looking forward to many, many, many, many, many, more.
Happy Birthday to me!
The beauty of age is wisdom, and not worrying so much about what other people think of you, growing comfortable in your own skin is a beautiful thing! I’m glad we met at Niche Mommy, and hope we will see each other again next year in New Orleans!
As you march toward your ‘legacy’ just make sure you are enjoying the journey! 🙂
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted..Happy Labor Day! What are YOU doing this weekend?