When helping people with their personal brands and creating a digital movement, I often ask my clients to begin with their PRICE.
It is a tool that you can use to truly delve into how you want to do business, who you want to attract, as well as who or what you can lend value to. PRICE doesn’t have so much to with the actual charging of services that you will be conducting, but more about the overall foundation of how you will do business.
Let’s delve into it a little more.
P.R.I.C.E stands for:
Your purpose/passion is the who. It is at the very center and core of what it is that you do. This is your personal brand and/or movement and the tool you will utilize to help others.
The resiliency piece is your story. What you have overcome. How you got to where you are. Why it is that you do what you do. It is the part that can make you compelling to others so much that they want to do business with you.
Income means that dollar, dollar bill. How you price yourself and the model in which you will make money.
Cost is the sacrifice and what you will pay in order to make your brand profitable. You must spend money to make money, and anyone who has told you differently has lied. It’s why you put your best foot forward so that you can appeal to those you can help.
Engagement is the where. It’s the pieces of the puzzle that you use to get your message across, whether it’s online or offline.
Put this together and you have your PRICE.
When building a successful brand that can be a conduit to a profitable movement, going through the PRICE exercise can help you fill in the blanks and missing spaces. It can also help solidify you in your marketplace and set you apart from the rest in your niche or genre.
So now, the question begs: what’s your PRICE? Share in the comments if you’d like. (and if you need help with perfecting your PRICE, contact me and I can help you work through to your breakthrough).